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Balloon & Accessories - Cambridgeshire
1 Foil 18”Licenced pkt balloons x 1200+2. Foil loose 18” plain Hearts, Stars Round 350+
3 jumbo 36” loose foil balloons 350 +
4 Super Shape Licenced pkt 400
5 Qualatex 11” part packets 300pkt
6 Balloon pkt foil numbers 330+
7. Balloon Foil numbers. 320 large
8 Flat foil supershapes balloons 200
9. 80 jumbo latex balloons
10. Qualatex 6 in a pkt x 450 pkt
11. Weights various sizes 200
12 balloon release nets used x 3
13 Organza ribbon x 100 rolls
14 pull bows x 200
15pricing gun x3
16. Plastic large carrier bags
17 gift cards x 250
18 100 rolls of cash register paper
19 balloon fairy lights x35 sets
20 Qualatex balloon counter each 6ft long
21balloon brouchers
22. Balloon photo’s & portfolio 30 years in the business
23 ballon ribbons
24 electric air inflators x 3
25. Conwin Dual sizers x4
26 helium gas adapters x 12
27 large balloon signs
28 measuring box x2
29. Hooks and shelving
30 cash till
31. Balloon letters small x 100
32 cups & sticks x 200
33 security poles gold x4
34 2 x 6ft champagne bottles inflatables x 2
35 heat sealer machine x 2
36 professional ribbon cutter
37 bubbles balloons Licenced x 700
38 Quatatex solid 12 ft arch frame
39. 80 green heavy duty boxes where all goods are stored
40 Sash printing machine.
41 Sash ribbon 500m x 25 rolls.
42. Qualatex Master bow making machine.
43 Qualatex link o loon balloons 30 pkts x100
44. Qualatex 260Qs x 30 pkts x100.
All balloons counted but due to any mistakes everything approx.
I have got lots of good odds & sods things ,will be included in the price
All items can be sold separately, willing to split all items.
I would like to sell, make me an offer !
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Must collectPeterborough
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Tel 07813978372Email:
Price: | £3250 £2632.50 VAT Free ono |
Ref#: | 7B720016A001 |
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